Article 15215

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Zhigunova Galina Vladimirovna, Doctor of sociological sciences, associate professor, professor at the sub-department of social sciences, Murmansk State Humanities University (15 Kapitana Egorova street,
Murmansk, Russia),
Ponomarenko Natalia Olegovna, Applicant, sub-department of philosophy, history and sociology, Murmansk State Technical University (13 Sportivnaya street, Murmansk, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. The problem of violence against women in families reflects an existing social disharmony between the sexes. The acuteness of this problem provides the evidence of the unhealthy social and moral situation in the Russian society, impossibility for women to fully feel secure and free. The purpose of this work is to identify the social factors of violence against women in families.
Materials and methods. Implementation of the research tasks was achieved by analyzing the socio-cultural features of Russians, forming gender stereotypes and behavior. During the study 230 women were surveyed. The methodological base of the research included the methods of system and socio-cultural analysis, the principles of science, objectivity and logical sequence.
Results. The authors studied the factors of violent relationship of married couples from the point of view of Russian women, including the causes, types, frequency of acts of violence. The problem of violence is shown not as a problem of one sex, but as a consequence of the wrong relationship of a whole married couple.
Conclusions. The study revealed some characteristics and causes of family violence identified according to women’s estimates. The problem of violence to a greater extent is due to gender self-assertion, abuse of their status and / or power, as well as emotional incontinence and lack of self-control. In the problem of family violence usually both genders are guilty, that is why its decision should not be confined to the rehabilitation of women, but to the complex work with men and women that make up married couples.

Key words

family violence, moral coercion, ravin, gender stereotypes.

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Дата создания: 10.10.2015 13:57
Дата обновления: 10.10.2015 15:38